Solar Hydrogen Vehicle Project Abstract
This project demonstrates a practical application of solar generated hydrogen as fuel for utility vehicles at the Xerox facility in El Segundo, CA.. This project utilizes state-of-the-art technology including photovoltaics, hydrogen production through water electrolysis, and hydrogen combustion engine retrofit for conventional gasoline powered vehicles. The project also includes comprehensive educational and promotional activities that operates concurrent to the project. The results of this project are expandable on the Xerox site, replicable at other sites, applicable to utilization at former defense installations, and will lead to jobs and increased clean fuel technology transfer to other private, commercial and public entities. This project demonstrates a safe, clean and economic implementation of this technology and has advanced the use of this truly clean fuel.
Staples & Associates organized a world class team consisting of, Clean Air Now, Xerox Corp., Praxair Inc., PVI Corporation (formerly SEA Corp.), and Kaiser Engineering (formerly Advanced Machining Dynamics), a non-profit environmental organization, major corporations and several small and medium sized innovative companies, all with vision to the future. In addition, other companies, top educators, scientists, and engineers are working with and advising Staples & Associates to produce and commercialize the private sector application of clean renewably generated hydrogen.
Technical Summary
The project consists of a photovoltaic array producing approx. at least 37kWh of power, which drives the electrolytic generation of up to 400 scfh of hydrogen gas. This on-site generating system also supplies an on-site fueling station to serve ULEV/ZEV/EZEVs (Ultra Low Emission, Zero Emission and Equivalent Zero Emission Vehicles).

Clean Air Now Solar Hydrogen Vehicle Project

There are four key technical elements to the project:
1) A Linear Focus Fresnel Lens, solar tracking photovoltaic array provides consistent, maximum supply of power. It was manufactured and installed by PVI Corp. (formerly SEA Corp.) at the Xerox M7 maintenance facility in El Segundo. PVI Corp. is an innovative photovoltaic manufacturer located in Santa Clara, California.
2) Matrix Engineers and Contractors installed The Electrolyser Corporation's industrial electrolyzers.
3) Praxair Inc. provided a fueling system consisting of a partial fast-fill system. The Electrolyser Corp. integrated their systems with Praxair. The fueling system was upgraded to a full fast fill system that has the capability of fueling multiple vehicles in succession in under seven (7) minutes each. The resulting facility is serving as a fully operational hydrogen fueling station capable of fueling any additional hydrogen vehicles, operating on or off site.
4) Kaiser Engineering (formerly Advanced Machining Dynamics - AMD), of Highland, CA converted three vehicles, 1993-94 Ford Rangers, to run on hydrogen. These vehicles will also have the capability of running on hythane (a mixture of hydrogen and methane), and natural gas.
Project Management:
* Robert Zweig, MD, Chairman of the Board - Clean Air Now. Program Manager
* Paul Staples, President, Vice Chairman - Clean Air Now. Project Director & General Manager
* James J. Provenzano, Executive Vice President & Secretary of the Board - Clean Air Now.

Managing Director - Project Manager.
* Vernon Hall, Treasurer & Chief Financial Officer - Clean Air Now. Project Accountant.
* Yu-Yue Widrig, Project Business Manager
* W. Woodland Hastings, Member - Board Of Directors, Clean Air Now. Project Public Education Manager.
* Kevin McSpadden, Esq. General Counsel
Project Team Consultants/Sub-Contractors:
* Mutual Propane - Fueling
* Touchstone Technology - Engineering Validation
* National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Funding Dispersement/Oversight
* Rocketdyne - Safety, Vehicle Validation, Code Development & Enforcement
* Jacqueline Hanan, Administrative Coordinator -- Administration & Public Outreach
Advisory Panel:
* Mark Abramowitz
* Charles Bensinger
* Don Blose
* Fred Edeskuty
* Virginia Field
* Tim Little
* Dave Michelfelder
* Dr. Joan Ogden
* Bryan Tari
* William Wybourn
* Dennis Zane
Xerox Corporation: Providing vehicles, facilities, personnel, fueling station and professional services.
Electrolyser Corp.: Technical integration of photovoltaics with electrolyzers and 40% of the electrolyzer system cost.
Praxair Inc.: Providing fueling station design and cost share for fueling station and interim fuel subsidy.
Co-Funding Entities:
South Coast Air Quality Management District: Providing co-funding. Also technical support which is not included in value estimate. SCAQMD co-funding - $250,000.00
The White House Technology Reinvestment Project (TRP): Clean Air Now submitted a proposal to the TRP for funding along with 2800 other proposers, and won in the selection process.
TRP co-funding: - $1,219,971.00